Team Vacancies
We are currently recruiting for a number of roles here at Donnington Doorstep!
Doorstep is all about nurturing and food is at our heart. We always offer affordable lunches and healthy snacks in our Drop In, After School Club and Youth Club, and we are currently looking for a cook to join our team! This is a part-time (20 hours a week role). Please click here for more information about the position.
We're looking for two new youth workers who can support the development of our youth provision, each working 10 hours per week on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Please click here for more information about these roles!
We're also looking for a Family Support and Outreach worker to join our team. Here is the link to find out more about this role and how to apply.
Finally, we are always interested in hearing from potential Board Members to join our Board of Trustees. This is a voluntary position, please click here to find out more information.
We are also looking for volunteers to join us! If you are interested in what roles we have available, please check here for more information or email us to find out more.