Squashing food waste at PumpkinFest
It was wonderful to welcome over 150 guests to our first ever PumpkinFest on Saturday night! We had a brilliant evening of music, food, craft, cake, bonfire and chat.
The whole event was a great example of Doorstep at its best. We were really grateful to be supported by Oxford Food Bank, Good Food Oxford, Sainsbury's Cowley and OxGrow to help with the costs of putting on the event. Abundance Oxford came along to do apple pressing, and our own wonderful volunteers (25 of them!) put in a huge effort to make the night a success.
We were able to put pumpkins to use everywhere you looked - in the delicious curry served up from Doorstep Kitchen, in cakes, in crafts, and then onwards into recipes provided as part of Good Food Oxford's Pumpkin Festival.
A really big thank you to everyone who came along and donated so generously. We raised an excellent £735 which goes straight back into Doorstep's vital work with local families.
You can see some photos of the event here.